H. R. Doud Division, Saginaw, MI U.S. Naval Sea Cadet Corps
   H. R. Doud Division, Saginaw, MIU.S. Naval Sea Cadet Corps

Contact Us

H. R. Doud Division, Saginaw, MI

U.S. Naval Sea Cadet Corps


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Unit Officers/Staff

H. R. Doud Division, USNSCC

Navy Operational Support Center Saginaw

3500 Douglass St, Saginaw, MI 48601


Commanding Officer:

LCDR Patricia Altergott, NSCC

E-mail: paltergo@gmail.com


Executive Officer/Training Officer:

MIDN Nick Taylor, NSCC

E-mail: taylonic000@gmail.com


Operations Officer/Recruitment Officer/Training Officer:

LCDR John Altergott, NSCC

E-mail: jfalterg@svsu.edu


ADMIN Officer:

AUX Howard Scrimgeour, NSCC

E-mail: scrimgeourh@rogers.com


Supply Officer:

AUX Heidi Opdyke, NSCC


League Cadet Training Officers:


Parent Liaison Officer:



CPO Hannah Kempin, NSCC



Additional staff:









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H. R. Doud Division, Saginaw MI