The H.R. Doud Division is headquartered at 3500 Douglass St. in Saginaw, MI. Cadets from all over Mid-Michigan come one weekend per month to participate in drill activities. During H. R. Doud Division drill weekends, cadets train in navy and military topics such as basic marching, color guard presentations, land navigation, maritime history, shipboard procedures, knot tying, and uniform care. There is also a focus on physical fitness and academic achievement.
The unit also holds drills at other locations in the area such as the USS Edson in Bay City, MI., the Essexville Coast Guard Station, Harry W. Brown Airport, Saginaw MI., VFW Post 9809 - Kochville, Saginaw MI., American Legion Post 439, Saginaw MI and American Legion Post 22, Saginaw, MI. as well as other location.
Cadets can travel throughout the United States and abroad for training sessions lasting from nine days to three weeks. Each Cadet attends Sea Cadet Recruit Training (RT) for their first major
training session. After they have completed RT cadets can attend advanced trainings covering multiple topics including culinary, photography, Master at Arms, Color Guard, and many more.
Cadets also serve local and state-wide communities through many community service projects. The H. R. Doud Division Color Guard provides presentations at local events, universities, professional sporting events, festivals and ceremonies, and organizational meetings. Opportunities are limitless for H. R. Doud Division Cadets!
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